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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2020

Cheesy Protein Pasta (Vegan & Gluten Free)

Healthy Recipes - This healthy cheesy protein pasta is vegan and gluten free. One serving contains 41 grams of protein, and this recipe serves two. It’s also high in calcium from the sesame seeds and beans. As nutritional yeast contains all nine essential ammo acids, it provides complete plant protein. The creamy, velvety cheese sauce is also nut free, oil free and grain free. Try this quick and easy vegan cheesy protein pasta today. You’ll Need: 1 can White beans, 15oz/400g 2½ cups / 160g Bean / Lentil Pasta 4 tbsp Nutritional yeast ½ cup / 120ml Water 1 Garlic clove 2 tbsp Sesame seeds ¼ tsp Turmeric 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar ½ tsp Smoked Paprika ½ tsp Chopped Basil pinch of Salt and Pepper Instructions: Place everything apart from the pasta into a blender and whizz until combined. Cook the pasta as per instructions and drain. Stir in the cheesy bean pasta sauce. Get full recipe==>>

Vegane Bolognese aus Blumenkohl

Vegane Bolognese aus Blumenkohl?! Klingt zwar komisch, aber ist unglaublich lecker und richtig gesund. Und noch dazu ist die vegane Bolognese in nur 15 Minuten fertig! Vorbereitung : 5-8 Minuten Kochzeit : 10 Minuten Wartezeit : 0 Minuten Portionen : 2Portionen ZUTATEN 1 kleiner Blumenkohl (ungefähr 500 g) 1 Zwiebel, fein gehackt 2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt 3 El Tomatenmark 800 g stückige Tomaten 2 Tl getrocknete italienische Kräuter (Thymian, Basilikum, Oregano und Rosmarin) 1 Tl Oregano Salz Pfeffer ANLEITUNGEN Den Blumenkohl in grobe Röschen zerteilen. Ungefähr 1/4 der Röschen in einen Mixer geben und zweimal die Pulse-Funktion verwenden. Wenn euer Mixer keine Pulse-Funktion hat, könnt ihr den Blumenkohl einfach kurz auf der niedrigsten Stufe mixen. Den Blumenkohl in eine Schüssel füllen und das Ganze noch dreimal wiederholen bis alle Blumenkohlröschen zerkleinert sind. Alternativ kann man den Blumenkohl auch mit einer Gemüsereibe zerkleinern, a...

Sommerrollen mit Erdnusssauce

Sommerrollen mit Erdnusssauce gehen einfach immer! Sie sind nicht nur unglaublich lecker, sondern auch noch richtig gesund! Und noch dazu ein richtiger Hingucker! Vorbereitung : 20-25 Minuten Kochzeit  :  0 Minuten Wartezeit :  0 Minuten Portionen :  6Sommerrollen ZUTATEN Für die Sommerrollen: 6 Reispapierblätter 1 Avocado 1 Gurke 3 kleine Karotten 1 Mango 3 Frühlingszwiebeln 1 Handvoll Rotkohl (roh) 6 Radieschen Für den Sesam Tofu: 250 g fester Tofu 1 Tl Sesamöl 1 El Sojasauce 1 Tl Sesamsamen Für die Erdnusssauce: 4 El ungesüßte Erdnusbutter / Erdnussmus 2 Tl Sojasauce 1 gepresste Knoblauchzehe 3-4 El warmes Wasser 1/2 Tl Sriracha ANLEITUNGEN Das Gemüse in dünne Streifen bzw. die Radieschen in Scheiben und die Frühlingszwiebel in Ringe schneiden. Den Tofu ebenfalls in Streifen schneiden. Das Sesamöl in einer beschichteten Pfanne erhitzen und den Tofu darin anbraten. Mit der Sojasauce ablöschen und knusprig anbrate...


This unique and delicious blackberry cobbler requires just a few minutes of prep and yields a summer dessert everyone is sure to love. The batter for this cobbler is thin like cake batter, instead of thick and biscuit-like, which is what I’m used to. And when you layer it into the pan, you pour the batter in first, and then arrange the blackberries on top. As it bakes the blackberries mostly sink to the bottom and soften, and the topping gets nice and crisp. INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, melted and cooled 1 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons (275 grams) granulated sugar, divided 1 cup (120 grams) all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup (225 ml) whole milk 3 cups (430 grams) blackberries, fresh or frozen Vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, for serving (optional) DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease a 9-inch round baking dish with butter or nonstick spray. In a medium bowl, stir together 1 cup of the sugar, th...


ZUTATEN 4 Eier, Größe M - Größe M ist für die Konsistenz entscheidend 125 g Mehl 60 g Zucker 1 Prise Salz 1 Päckchen Bourbon Vanillezucker 300 ml Vollmilch 75 ml Kohlensäurehaltiges Mineralwasser 40 g Butter 40 g Rosinen - falls gewünscht 2 EL Obstsaft - wenn Du Rosinen verwendest - z.B. Apfelsaft, Orangensaft Puderzucker zum Bestäuben ANLEITUNG Wenn Du Rosinen in Deinem Kaiserschmarrn möchtest, dann weichst Du die 40g ca. 15 Minuten in einem Obstsaft Deiner Wahl ein. Gerne auch länger, wenn Du magst. Dann trennst Du die 4 Eier (Größe M!) und das Eiweiß, schlägst das Eiweiß steif und stellst es kurz zur Seite. Jetzt schlägst Du mit den Quirlen des Handrührers oder der Küchenmaschine die 4 Eigelbe, mit 60 g Zucker, einer Prise Salz und dem Päckchen Vanillezucker bis es eine cremige Konsistenz ergibt.  Im Anschluss rührst Du nach und nach die 125 g Mehl und die 300 ml Milch unter und zum Schluss die 75 ml Mineralwasser (dann wird der Teig etwas lockerer)....

Honig Senf Röstkartoffel Salat mit Feta und Tomaten

Honig Senf Röstkartoffel Salat mit Feta und Tomaten Zutaten Für die Honig Senf Kartoffeln 750 g Kartoffeln mit Schale 1 EL Senf 1 EL Honig 2-3 EL Rapsöl 2 Spritzer Zitrone 1 Zehe gepresster Knoblauch etwas Salz & Pfeffer ½ Block Feta ca. 100 g 2-3 Handvoll bunte Kirschtomaten Feldsalat Dressing bei Bedarf Tzatziki ggf. etwas Milch zum Verdünnen Anleitungen Die Kartoffeln waschen und in mundgerechte Würfel schneiden. Für die Marinade den Senf mit dem Honig, Öl und Zitrone vermischen, den gepressten Knoblauch unterrühren und mit kräftig Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Die Kartoffeln und die Marinade gut vermischen. Die Kartoffeln Im Airfryer ca. 20 Minuten bei 160 Grad rösten, alternativ im Backofen ca. 30 Minuten bei 180 Grad backen. Währenddessen den Feldsalat und die Tomaten waschen und vierteln. Den Feta in kleine Würfel schneiden. Wenn die Kartoffeln schön goldgelb sind alle Zutaten miteinander vermischen (die Kartoffeln dürfen gerne etwas abkühle...

Healthy & Easy One Pot Vegetarian Spaghetti

Healthy Recipes - These Vegetarian spaghetti are with mushrooms and spinach makes an easy, healthy one pot pasta dinner that’s ready in 25 minutes! You’ll Need: 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped 1 (8 oz.) package button mushrooms, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) 2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1 (14.5 oz.) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes 10 oz. thin spaghetti noodles (I use whole wheat) 3 cups fresh spinach or baby spinach 1/4 cup grated Parmesan or Italian-style hard cheese, plus extra for serving For serving: 1/4 cup fresh chopped basil or parsley (optional) Instructions: Heat olive oil in a medium pot over medium heat. Add onion and mushrooms and saute for 5-7 minutes, until tender and the liquid from the mushrooms has been mostly cooked off. Add garlic and season with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes (if using) and saute another ...

Cleansing Detox Soup

Healthy Recipes - This oil-free Cleansing Detox Soup is packed with all the good stuff, and by good stuff I mean immune-boosting natural remedies like fresh lemon juice, fresh zingy ginger, bright turmeric, balancing cinnamon, and a touch of spicy cayenne. Detoxifying vegetables and leafy greens like kale, broccoli, celery and carrots will cleanse, nourish and make you feel whole. I carefully chose each ingredient based on it’s healing properties and am sticking to oil free recipes all of January. You especially want to avoid cooking with oils in a cleansing and detoxifying recipe to allow the detoxification process to properly take place. You’ll Need: 1/4 cup water (or vegetable broth) 1/2 of a red onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 celery stalks, diced 3 medium carrots, diced 1 small head of broccoli, florets 1 cup chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and minced 1 teaspoon turmeric (I used powdered) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon cayenne ...

Burrito Zucchini Boats

RETURNS: 4 - 6 SERVINGS Components: 4 zucchini, halved lengthwise 1 tablespoon. extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, diced 1 lb. hamburger 1/2 tsp. chili powder 1/2 tsp. ground cumin 1/4 tsp. paprika Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 (15-oz.) could black beans 1 c. chopped cherry tomatoes 1/2 c. corn 1 c. shredded cheddar 1 c. shredded monterey 2 tbsp. sliced cilantro Directions: PREP TIME: 0:10 TOTAL TIME: 0:30 Preheat oven to 350 °. Score zucchini (like you're dicing an avocado) and also scoop out withins right into a big bowl. In a big skillet over tool warm, heat olive oil. Include onion as well as cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Mix in garlic and also chef up until fragrant, regarding 1 min much more. Add hamburger, separating the meat with a wooden spoon. Cook until beef is no longer pink, regarding 6 minutes. Drain pipes fat. Stir in chili powder, cumin, and also paprika, then season with salt and pepper. Mi...

“Flu Fighter” Chicken Noodle Soup

Healthy Recipes - While traditional chicken soup is considered the epitome of comfort food, we’ve made a few changes that, we think, take this above and beyond the classic recipe. As we’ve mentioned before, we don’t really crave soup during the warmer months, but once fall rolls around it’s basically the only thing on our mind. Add to that the fact that everyone’s getting sick and needs a little nourishing comfort food to make them feel better, and you’ll find that a delicious, “flu fighting” soup is in pretty high demand. You’ll Need: Chicken: 1 pound boneless, thinly sliced skinless chicken breast 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon cayenne 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried basil Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste Soup: 2 (32 oz.) boxes low-sodium chicken stock 2 cups noodles 1/2 cup fresh dill 8 cloves garlic, minced 3 stalks celery, diced 2 large carr...

The Original Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Recipe (aka Chickpea Cookies)

Chickpea cookies! Chickpea cookies with no flour, no oil, no white sugar. These are just full of chickpeas. And they’re my very favorite healthy cookie so far!* I don’t know if they really classify as cookies so I’ll go with cookie dough bites. And as a bonus, they’re grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan. Just in case that matters to anyone out there! And if you’re worried about the chickpeas, don’t be. I don’t like chickpeas and won’t eat them but that didn’t prevent me from inhaling these.  2017 update: this post is 5 years old and I have a new favorite. :D You HAVE to try these paleo chocolate chip cookies if you haven’t already! There’s also a vegan option. And for hot summer days, these no-bake oatmeal cookies (naturally gluten-free + vegan) are my favorite! Ingredients 1 1/4 cups canned chickpeas, well-rinsed and patted dry with a paper towel1 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons (165 grams) natural peanut butter, SunButter Natural or almond butter - r...

Blueberry Muffins With Streusel Crumb Topping

This blueberry muffins recipe will soon become your favorite breakfast recipe keeper! It is perfect if you searching for delicious,refreshing and easy breakfast idea!! Unbelievable! I looked at all my posts again from my first blogging days and saw a very surprising fact for me. Among the 45 recipes that I posted until now, there is no recipe for muffins! Ingredients For Blueberry Muffins: 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs ( or 3 small) 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup yogurt 1/2 cup canola oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 1/3 cups blueberries-fresh or frozen(thawed)-divided( 1 cup goes in the batter and 1 1/3 cup for topping) 1-2 tablespoon flour For Streusel Topping: 1 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 stick salted butter-melted 1 teaspoon cinnamon Instructions Preheat oven to 400F degrees and line standard muffin pan with paper liners and set aside. To make the crumb topping in a small bowl, whisk together flour, sugar and c...


This recipe for Keto Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting is the PERFECT springtime dessert.  With only 3 net carbs per slice, it’s a great, low carb alternative to traditional carrot cakes. Serve it as is – or toss in some chopped pecans for some extra crunch! Despite the snow that we have been getting this week here in southern Indiana – it is officially springtime! This carrot cake is perfect for springtime gatherings such as Easter or mothers day and with the carbs super low, it would also be a great anytime treat! I’m not a huge fan of nuts mixed into desserts, but you could certainly toss some chopped pecans or walnuts into the batter of this mix or even into the frosting if that’s your thing. If you watch the video, you may notice that I used pre-shredded carrots. This was just an act of pure laziness 😏 It certainly worked, so if you are not about that grating life, then you could also use them. Just do yourself a favor and pop them in the microwave for about 2 minutes be...


Sweet craving? These soft, chewy Keto coconut bars are healthy dessert heaven. NO-BAKE and made with only 5 ingredients, you’ll never guess these decadent-tasting candy bars are low in carbs and sugar free! I’m a big fan of easy sugar free sweets, and this recipe ticks all my boxes. It does not require any baking, it comes together with only 5 ingredients and most importantly, it is intensely, supremely satisfying. Once you sink your teeth into a chewy coconut bar you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about! Essentially, no bake coconut bars are just like a Bounty bar (I think there’s a version over in the US called Mound bar) – but without the fussy chocolate covering (and all the sugar). The filling is the best part anyway, so why not get straight to it 😉 Ingredients 3 cups / 270g desiccated coconut unsweetened 1/3 cup / 80 ml coconut cream 1/2 cup / 120 ml sugar free syrup 4 tbsp coconut oil 1 oz / 30g dark or sugar free chocolate minimum 85% cocoa solids Instructions Blend all ingr...

Keto Desserts: 14 Easy Ketogenic Dessert Recipes

These no bake coconut crack bars really ARE seriously addictive and you have no excuse NOT to make them. Using just three healthy ingredients and less than 5 minutes to prepare, you’ll never need to buy store bought candy bars or snacks. Did I mention that these addictive coconut bars are also completely paleo and vegan too? Back in 2014, I first shared a recipe for homemade bounty coconut bars. A few months back, I gave it a protein-rich makeover, along with a few little tweaks.  A little over a month ago, I loosely adapted the recipes yet again, to make them keto-friendly and sugar-free. They also became even easier to make. Ingredients 3 cups Shredded unsweetened coconut flakes 1 cup coconut oil, melted 1/4 cup monk fruit sweetened maple syrup Can substitute for any liquid sweetener of choice Instructions Line an 8 x 8-inch pan or 8 x 10-inch pan with parchment paper and set aside. Alternatively, you can use a loaf pan.  In a large mixing bowl, add your shredded unsweetened...

Keto Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cookies

Pumpkin cookies are so easy and a perfect taste of fall. I love fall. It is my favorite season by far. Even though we are still having hot days here in New York, as soon as the calendar turns to September I need to have pumpkin. Actually, it was a happy mistake that created this recipe. I thought I was testing the pumpkin roll recipe, but it was the wrong recipe and did not work for the roll cake. However, I forgot to take it out of my test notebook. Rather than waste the ingredients, I thought, “Well, maybe I will try to make it as a cookie.” Hence these cookies were born. I could not be happier that a failed recipe turned into a winning recipe. Although I did have to tweak it a bit after making it the first time, that just meant more yummy pumpkin cookies to try. Fine by me. 🙂 These cookies are soft and full of pumpkin flavor. Perfect to have with a glass of almond milk or a cup of coffee or tea. It just makes you feel like fall is upon us in a very delicious way. Soon, it will be w...


Thanksgiving may be the king of all pie holidays, but there’s something about spring and summer that makes me crave pie even more than I do during the holidays. Granted, pumpkin and pecan pie are the furthest things from my mind, but coconut cream, strawberry and French silk?? Give me a fork, and watch every single crumb disappear. I’ve been wanting to jump on the slab pie bandwagon for quite some time now, mostly because it photographs way easier than pie, but also because it seemed less daunting than actually making a pie. Which seems silly to me now, because regardless of the vessel in which the pie is made, it’s still pie. However, now that I have made said slab pie, I will say, that because it’s made in a sheet pan, the depth isn’t as high, which means there’s less room for making sky-high fillings, which means, I can eat two pieces of pie instead of one, and that in of itself is a win. Unlike this peanut butter French silk pie or this pumpkin coconut cream pie, there is nothing f...

Berry Bars (vegan, whole grain, dairy-free options)

These berry bars have a substantial layer of blueberries mixed with berry jam nestled between a streusel-like crust and topping! With vegan, whole grain and dairy-free options but can also be made with all-purpose flour. Thanks to Bob’s Red Mill for making today’s post possible! Ingredients For the crust and topping: 1 1/2 cups (150 grams) rolled oats 3/4 cup (94 grams) ivory whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour 1/2 cup (100 grams) brown sugar or raw sugar 1 tablespoon lemon zest 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup (149 grams) room temperature coconut oil 1  (should be as soft as room temperature butter) or 3/4 cup (168 grams) unsalted butter for a non-vegan and non-dairy-free version For the filling: 2 1/2 cups (355 grams) fresh blueberries (do not use frozen) 7 tablespoons (125 grams) raspberry or another type of berry jam (make sure to use vegan jam, if necessary) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch of salt Directions Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) and line ...